Friday, December 19, 2008

Podcasts. Gotta listen to them more!

Podcasts. I love them. I don't listen as often as I would like to. Or maybe I don't listen as often as I should. Not sure which it really is. Either case, I just want to mention two of my favorites. One podcast is produced by the team behind Manager Tools. Everyone interested in management should be listening to these guys. Every week they have something new to tell us about how to be an effective manager and leader. Read the books at Borders to learn "theory". Listen to these two to learn specific actions to take to be a great manager. Ok, maybe I'll never end up in management, but if this doesn't inspire me, nothing will.

The other podcast (hopefully only on a hiatus due to a recent birth) has taught me a lot about how to use InDesign. It is a video blog put out anywhere from weekly to bi-monthly. Whatever the case, the 10-20 minute tutorials are fantastic. There is a blog and a great vidcast on iTunes. If you haven't listened to this guy, you are using InDesign incorrectly!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


While sitting in Borders the other day, I finally picked up "Tribes" by Seth Godin. Looks like I will have to sit in there again to finish the book next time. It really got me going about who a leader can be compared to who I've always thought a leader should be. It also gave me an answer to my "What the hell is up with all these social networking sites?" questions.

Looking at Seth Godin's blog I found this little comment which should sum it all up for DON. "Instead of looking for customers for your products, you seek out products (and services) for the tribe." Don, get on the ball!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Shin Sen Gumi

First there's the restaurant. Then, there's the story about the Shinsengumi and the one on their site.

My favorite name?

Just capturing this address. I don't know why I didn't use it from the beginning. Everything is an "888" now. Oh well...